You're face to face with fear itself,
You conquer your demons, you conquer it all,
But the mind plays games with your fickle weak soul,
You doubt your capacities; you question your want,
You feel powerless, fall into this abyss of blues, get distressed,
When challenged, you step back and digress
From furthering on the road ahead,
The opportunity you blew away turns into a curse,
You feel uneasy; everything seems to be going irreversibly wrong,
And situation goes from bad to worse,
You can’t seem to garner strength,
There seems to be no source of hope,
Death stares straight into your face,
It is worse than the death of the body,
It's a curse, the death of spirit,
You turn into a zombie, a living corpse,
Unable to conquer your mind,
Your impotence is laid bare to the world,
You drown in the stares of all.
The last adversary succeeds, remains unconquered,
The devil dictates terms,
Takes control of your life, smothers your soul,
You were unable to find strength;
You fell into a trap,
Stepped right into the black hole,
Get caught in a time warp,
Where every torturous moment takes a million years to pass,
You gave up the fight before it even began, you were cursed to lose, and with every passing moment, it takes a stronger grip on you,
You'll have to dig deep into your spirit,
To rise from the bottom of the ocean of hopelessness,
You'll have to work harder to muster strength,
And you have no other choice.
Keep on living this death,
Or scream and reclaim your voice,
The breakdown might've become your biggest strength;
It might've lead you towards discovering powers
That would've otherwise forever remained latent,
Your soul can once again become unpossessed,
You still can live your life yourself,
Use the defeat of the battle as a springboard
To reach the higher rungs of ladder,
Contribute your truth and share your shoulder,
To inspire others in their pilgrimage,
Try to fight back, give it a shot,
Rise back from ropes,
Stage a comeback; shock yourself,
Amaze the world,
Give back with gratitude
Repay the debt you owe to the world,
Awake from the sleep, get down to work,
If nothing feels right,
Change it so it works the way it should work.
You can find hope in the darkest corners of your mind,
Salvage the hope and fight the good fight,
Without any expectations of the conquest,
But remain determined to progress,
And break free from the confines of apprehension,
Gain control of the mind's fortress,
Try to reclaim your soul from the devil, give it your best shot.
May you find peace and hope,
May you reclaim the contact with the fountainhead.